Flight Equipment

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Below are examples of the scientific equipment flown on the TVNSP nearcraft.

Geiger Counter with Coincidence Counter
TVNSP uses a Aware Electronics RM-60 Geiger counter. This Geiger counter is designed for use with a PC or laptop. The RM-60 outputs a 5 volt pulse for each detection of a radiation event. The BS-2IC in the CC/PS counts the number of pulses coming from the RM-60. The RM-60 needs three connections, Power (+5V), Ground, and Signal. A second RM-60 can be interfaced to the first with a coincidence counter. Various shielding materials can also be placed over the RM-60s.

35mm Camera on a Single Axis Scan Platform
TVNSP cameras are modified to operate by computer control. When the control line is set high, the camera takes a photograph. Photographs can be taken based on events like mission elapse time or altitude. A servo is used to position the camera anywhere within a 180 degree vertical arc.

35mm Camera for IR
Where a "point and shoot" camera is incapable of focusing IR properly onto film, an SLR is. This SLR is also modified to operate under computer control. The SLR can use either black and white IR or false color IR film.

Environmental Sounding Unit
The sounder is designed to take measurements of pressure, temperature, and relative humidity of the atmosphere.

Servo Operated Dropper
The dropper is designed to release objects like gliders. Objects can be released based on events like mission elapse time or altitude.

Slow Scan Imager
A Kenwood Video Communicator (VC-H1) is used to send SSTV images. The camera head is separated from the control unit and mounted to a servo operated single axis scan platform.

Robotic Arm with ATV Camera
A robotic arm with three degrees of freedom. At the end is a small color CCD video camera. The rest of the unit consists of a one watt ATV transmitter and a mini-wheel antenna.

Four Temperature Probes
A power supply for four LM335 temperature controlled zeners. The LM335s are mounted at the ends of twelve inch long cables. Outputs from the LM335's are digitized by the ADC in the CC/PS

Insect Habitat
Two 20 ounce plastic water bottles are connected to pressure and temperature sensors. Insects are sealed inside the bottles while the air pressure and temperature inside the bottles are monitored.

The photometer consists of a digital light to frequency converter. Colored filters can be placed over the sensor to make a wide band spectrophotometer. Or half a ping pong ball can be placed over the sensor to make a photometer that is relatively immune to pointing errors.

Camcorder Cradle
The cradle allows a compact VHS camcorder to be carried into near space. At this time the only aiming direction for the camcorder is horizontally.

Sample Holder
Samples inside of small bottles or test tubes can be mounted to wire tie-downs or Velcro patches for exposure to the near space environment.

Petri Dish Sampler
The petri dish sampler is servo controlled. The CC/PS can be programmed to open and close the petri dish during a flight. Openings and closings are based on events like mission elapse time or altitude.

Six Volt PV Array
A six by twelve inch photovoltaic array that produces six volts at 360 mA.

Simplex Repeater
The simplex repeater uses a Radio Shack digital voice recorder and a Alinco DJ-S41, 440 HT. The HT is capable of 340 mW output.

Digital Camera On Scan Platform
An HP C200 megapixel digital camera on a single axis scan platform. The camera is capable of being swung within a 180 degree arc and commanded under CC/PS control to record images.

Equipment Currently Being Prepared

The tether consists of a modified servo and take-up spool. Experiments can be lowered twenty feet below the nearcraft with the tether. Note, a previous version of this instrument has flown on KNSP flights 98A and 98B.

One Wire (TM) Environmental Sounder
A new environmental sounder is being prepared that uses the Dallas Instruments standard for one wire networks. The sounder will require an upgrade to the BS-2ICp for the CC/PS.

iButton (TM) temperature recorders designed by Dallas Instruments. The tiny iButtons will allow many temperature measurements to be taken during a mission.

Pyro-Separation Unit for terminating flights that use latex weather balloons. The command receiver for the PSU is a pager with very simple modification.

More Distant Equipment

Radiation Budget Experiment
Two peltier junction electric coolers flown in tandem for determining the ratio of solar to terrestrial radiation at different altitudes in the atmosphere.

Sun Sensor
A simple 360 degree light sensor and comparator. The sun sensor will determine which quadrant of the nearcraft the sun is currently positioned. This enables the CC/PS to determine if sun position will interfere with good photographs.

A pair of light to frequency converters associated with a laser pointed. The nephrometer compares the amount of obscuring matter in the atmosphere as a function of altitude.

Limb Sounder
A linear CCD array and cylindrical lens. The limb sounder compares the brightness of the earth and sky several degrees above and below the horizon. The measurements are compared to those taken at other altitudes.

LED Spectrophotometer
A set of differently colored LEDs whose current's are monitored. As the light intensity of the color of each LED changes, so does it's output current.

Near Space Launch Pad
A nearcraft designed to safely launch small model rockets in near space. Several issues need to be resolved before its use.